Thursday, 8 October 2009

12-month Rolling Rankings – a clarification

I have had some feedback recently as to why I only list the top 6 in my Rolling Rankings for 5M and Marathon (until recently was only top-5), whereas the others show the top 10. The reason for this is that far fewer people race these distances. I can illustrate the logic with the following examples for men.

The top-10 list for 10k represents 18% of all men who have done at least 1x 10k. If I listed the top-10 Marathoners, that would represent 50% of all men who had done at least 1x Marathon. The top 6 still equates to 30%, which still compares very favourably with having to be in the top 18% of 10k runners to make the list.

Thus, to qualify for the top-10 (top 6 for 5M or Marathon) you currently need to be in the top

36% for 5k
35% for 5M
18% for 10k
29% for 10M
25% for HM
30% for Marathon

I hope this reassures marathoners that I am fair-minded!

1 comment:

  1. Obviously an entirely logical explanation - through the medium of statistics..... of course!
