Tuesday 12 November 2013

Wootton XCL 10/11/13

No mud-baths, fell-running nor water-crossings - perfect, but...

I liked this new course, although 3 big laps and 2 small ones (as opposed to 3 small/2 big) would have have been better.  4.3 miles is a tad too short.  I felt I set off far too fast at Wellingborough, so decided to set off more conservatively this time.  I was quite happy with my performance until I found out my finishing position was 31st - compared with 25th last time.  I'd hoped this was due to an injection of faster runners who'd not made the first race - analysis showed this not to be the case - I think I just played it a bit too cautiously.  Having said that, perhaps my mind and body were just not up to another full-out effort, given all the racing I've done in last couple of months?

Never mind, I was 1st MV50 again, putting me in a strong position to win the series-prize for that category and I did my bit for team-NHRR. 

Despite fielding a much weaker team than in Race 1 (I was 3rd male-scorer), NHRR finished 5th overall (3rd Men, 7th Ladies) and are still in touch with a top-three position.

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