Sunday 3 November 2013

Stevenage Half-mar

3/11/13 another good day at the office...

Given this is not the fastest of courses (and cerainly much slower than the recent G.E.R.), I was pretty pleased with my performance here, which I consider to be on a par with that in the G.E.R., albeit about 40s slower.  As in my last 3 races, it was pretty windy again here!

(left) County Champions!  Mark Vaughan MV40 and yours truly MV50 - (right) around the 9-mile mark.  Thanks to Sue Vaughan and Karen Dodsworth for the pics
(below) Herts County GOLD!

* My time 1:20:55
* 13th place overall (out of 583)
* Herts County MV50 Champion
* 2nd MV50 overall
* My best ever time on this course

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