Tuesday 26 November 2013

Leighton FR XCL (Wing)

All-out effort on challenging course

After a semi-cautious approach at Wooton, I put it all on the line this time and made up a 'massive' 2 places to 29th vs 31st last time).  Given how I felt in the last km, I'd hoped for a better reward, but at least I know I left it all out there amongst the cow-pats, stagnant water, hills and cloying mud!

I was pleased to finish 1st MV50+ again, leaving me in a strong position to lift the MV50+ Series-prize with 3/5 races completed.  I am also standing 12th in the MV40+-rankings.  

Sir Darth Frampton eases through the stream... but Andy doesn't ...

NHRR ladies were 2nd on the day and the men 4th. Overall NHRR were 4th on the day and moved one place up the rankings to 4th after 3 races.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the marathon seminar last night? Didn't get a chance to chat but seems your running is still going well - John.
