Friday 25 October 2013

Fenland 10 - 20/10/13

Something in the wind...

Ok, I admit it - I was Club Record hunting again.   Despite getting to bed at 2am after the Awards Dinner and some gusty winds out on the Fens, I managed a new V50 CR of  01:01:30, 10th place overall and 1st MV50. 

Without the wind I think I could have been well under 61 mins and close to my first PB in nearly 4 years - that would have been something. At halfway I was managing 6-min mile pace comfortably, but as I turned into the gusts I started losing around 20s/mile from then on.   With a field of less than 300, I also found myself in a solo time-trial after about 3 miles, with 9th and 11th places around a 40s and minute ahead/behind me at the finish respectively. 

Anyway, enough quibbly excuse-making - it was a good performance in the conditions, beat  Sir Darth Frampton's respectable former CR-mark by over a minute and leaves me with 5/6 MV50 Club records.  Only the Marathon MV50 CR to go - a challenging 3:03:16.  Do I hear the siren calls of a Spring marathon?

Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. Great time for the 10. Based on that you should take that marathon record as well. Good luck!
