Sunday 20 October 2013

NHRR Awards Dinner

Something very nice for dessert...NHRR - Best Male Runner 2013

In NHRR history, only 3 people have won this award 3 times or more - Paul Pearce, Gary Halsey and now myself.  I am thrilled, delighted and very honoured to be in such company.  It just goes to show, even with relatively modest talent, what is possible when one tackles something with whole-hearted determination, focus and application - oh and yes - bloody-minded obsessiveness and attention to detail!

In the last few years I've had some pretty dark days, but not least with help and support from some special people at NHRR (you know who you are), I am emerging from the dark clouds into a brighter, sunnier glad-to-be-fifty world... THANK-YOU

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