Monday 26 March 2012

Sandy 10-mile race - 25/03/12

Well on the way back to some decent form

Time 01:01:19
24th out of 467
Age % score 80.85

I was happy with my pacing and I think this is a fairly accurate statement of my current form. It wasn't a full-out lung-busting effort, but I don't think I could have taken off more than 15-20 secs even if it had have been. I am still a way off the BAU mileage I am aiming for, still a few pounds heavier than in 2009 & 2010 and still also not looking after myself as well as I could, so in this context, I am very positive about the potential for further improvement!

The graph below (all-time age % scores) is a good illustration of my return to, at least the lower part, of the 'zone'!

Click to enlarge

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