Monday 19 March 2012

Getting back in the zone

Real-life might be tough, but at least the running-comeback continues

Recent training sessions all point to a return to respectable form, perhaps even a sub 37min 10k already, with still plenty of improvement-potential in the tank. A recent step change is likely due to consistently averaging over 40 miles/week since the turn of the year. If I can push up the weekly mileage a bit I'd like to think I could be in very good shape for the Midweek League come May. I made a late entry into the Sandy 10M this coming Sunday, which should give a good indication of current race-form.

Here is the ever popular 'bang-for-bucks' graph (pace attained related to heart-rate effort) for easy paced, short runs, which clearly suggests a recent step-change. The step change was also preceded by 2 relatively easy weeks, supporting the notion that you need to take it easy sometimes to gain the benefits of all one's hard work.

Click on image to enlarge

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