Monday 13 January 2014

Dunstable XCL

Less is more

I really didn't feel in the mood for this one!  Having managed to get myself there and to the start line, I resolved to run it as a sub-tempo training run - for once, I actually followed through.  My average HR for the run was only 158 (88% max), which for me is more high-end marathon effort.  Surprisingly, I was only about 6 places below-par (36th/398) and still 1st MV50 on the day. This is a very interesting outcome and suggests I was setting off too aggressively in the other 4 races.

The leaders approach "Heartbreak Hill"

So that's 4x first and 1x second MV50 positions in the series and, as only the best 4 count, that gives me a perfect maximum (or I should say minimum) score of 4x1=4.  This is very pleasing and makes all the effort (in a discipline which is not my strong point) feel worthwhile.  It also meant I have now completed 20 races as a Vet 50, finishing 1st in twelve and 2nd in the other eight.

The course was run anti-clockwise this year.  I think I marginally preferred it this way.

Final league table for 2013-14 season >>>

NHRR finished 4th overall on the day and 4th overall for the season of the 13 competing clubs.   For the season, the men were 4th and the Ladies 7th.  We've been used to winning this league and have not been outside the top-3 for a good while.  However, given we struggled to get our best runners out regularly, this was a respectable outcome.

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