Friday 27 January 2012

Reasons to be cheerful...

...1, 2, 3

1. Training is going well, and now I'm managing 40+ mile-weeks regularly again (at last) I can really feel my body getting back into the groove. My favourite measure of base fitness (average speed vs average pace on easy runs) is also reflecting this with a recent step-change - see graph below.

Click to enlarge

2. I'm starting to feel in the mood to test myself in races again - a feeling that has been absent for over a year! Providing I can maintain training over the coming months (usual caveats apply) I'm quietly confident of posting some good performances before too long.

3. I've put down some encouraging training sessions over last few weeks, especially in the context of our tough new 'rolling recovery' sessions. It's quite a challenge to maintain 10k-pace reps when you are 'jogging' at half-marathon effort between them! Therefore, averaging consistently around 6 minute/mile in the last 4 sessions is a good sign. Hopefully this indicates that I am already capable of comfortably breaking 38min for 10k and that sub-37min is not an outrageous Spring target.

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