Sunday 18 December 2011

XCL Stopsley - Sun 18/12/11

Head over heels for cross-country

I'd taken an easy week after the half-marathon and, despite the frozen conditions, was feeling quite up for a race (even a XC one). I cruised down the first steep hill with ease and confidence. The second downhill section seemd to be following suit - boy, this was to be the big comeback-statement for sure! Alas, nearing the bottom, I performed the 'rear over mammary' manoeuvre and my left hand, right knee and right ankle slammed into the frozen Chiltern turf!

<<< hey, look at the 90 deg angle on that arm!! Thanks Brian for capturing this fine running form ;o)

My right leg felt shaky and I couldn't put any weight on it for about a minute. Sadly, I had to hobble may way back to the start for a DNF.

After a few hundred yards the need to limp had eased and, as I write, my knees are bruised and stiff, with just a slight swelling on the right. On the plus side, I did get fussed over a lot after the race, not least by the NHRR ladies, so every cloud ... ;o)


The men put in another strong performance to win for the 4th race in a row. Despite missing several of our faster runners, the ladies put on a good show to ensure we came 2nd overall in the race. With other team's results going in our favour, I think we will have actually strenghened our position at the top of the overall table, despite falling off the top perch for the first race this season. More details to follow when results published.

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