Monday 14 April 2014

Rotterdam - the report

A triumph of the will!

4 years ago I had an almost perfect race, only struggling (20-30s/mile loss) over the last 3 miles.  Yesterday, the last 5.5 miles were sheer torture, as 30s/mile loss rapidly turned into 60-75s.  By 23 miles I was totally shot. Cramp in right quad and calf started to manifest in last 1.5 miles. I lost about 6 mins off my time in last 9k. I`m not quite sure how I didn`t stop on several occations.

Still, the good news is time was still a respectable 2:57:32 - not bad for a shade under 51 and a new Vet 50-54 Club Record. I am the first person in Club history to hold a row of Club Records (every distance) simultaneously

In addition, I am age-cat champion in both Midweek Road-race and Cross-country league plus age-cat County Champion at 5k and half-marathon.  Not a bad year`s work!  So, that`s legendary status assured then - signed photos available in the foyer :).

On reflection, if I'd have aimed at 2hr 54-55 (rather than 2hr 51), I think I'd have done it and without the crash and burn. Never mind.  I've now experienced both sides of the marathon.

I had my first ever (and very long) sit-down shower post-race. Getting up again was another big challenge!  I then consumed 100g of dark chocolate (in one go), 2 litres of fine beer, a bowl of nachos and finally an excellent Thai meal.

Slept like a baby...

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