Thursday 7 June 2012

Royston MWL Preview

Less hills for a change!

This is an officially measured and certified 10k, but beware, the finish line has not always been put in the right place.  In the 2010 for example, the finish was placed about 180 metres short, which was subsequently acknowledged by the hosting club.  The first 7k is fast, but the final 3k is gradually up hill all the way.  Having said that, I think it's still the fastest course of the 4 this year in Div2.  It's also a very pleasant rural run on narrow country lanes.  The car park is on the large playing field (Therfield Cricket Club) adjacent to the finish just south of Therfield village. The start is on the other side of the village.

You can see a route map and elevation profile here

Official travel directions and information can be found here

Wed 13th June - sadly the dodgy hamstring meant I was unable to run . Race report will follow on new post when results available. It seems we had 3 of our usual male-scorers missing, but still put on a good show. We had the first 4 finishers in the Ladies race!

Monday 11th June ...meanwhile, in the world of ME...I have hardly managed to run for the last three weeks :o(. For the week leading up to the last MWL race, my left big-toe was black and blue from a bad fall. Since the last race I've had a hamstring pull, which now seems to be almost mended, but I'm not fully confident of being able to race 10k. In addition, I've not done a long run for over a month. Oh, and during this period I've also become domestically nomadic. That's enough excuses I think!

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